HSE - Markt- und Messeplatz

LIFE-Studie vergleicht Verkehrslärm-Wirkung bei Erwachsenen mit den WHO-Kurven

Traffic noise annoyance in the LIFE-adult study in Germany: Exposure-response relationships and a comparison to the WHO curves

K. Romero Starke, M. Schubert, P. Kaboth, J. Gerlach, J. Hegewald, M. Reusche, D. Friedemann, A. Zülke, S. G. Riedel-Heller, H. Zeeb, A. Seidler: Traffic noise annoyance in the LIFE-adult study in Germany: Exposure-response relationships and a comparison to the WHO curves.  in: Environmental Research, Volume 228 2023. Seiten 1-9, PDF-Datei, DOI: 10.1016/j.envres.2023.115815 Artikel “Traffic noise annoyance in the LIFE-adultstudy in Germany: Exposure-response relationships and a comparison to the WHO curves” Herunterladen (PDF, 606 KB, …

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